Carla Sello, an Italian artist born in Udine, is an art professor teaching painting at the Academy of Fine Arts of Lecce, Italy.
She had also been teaching at the Private University of Science and Arts (PUSA) of Aleppo, Syria, where she held the Chair of Painting, Architecture and Graphics.
In the artistic domain, she participated in several solo and group exhibitions, both in Italy and abroad, obtaining various prizes and awards.
The set of skills and experiences she assimilated over the years led her to experiment innovative techniques in the treatment of materials, among which the plastic
that she still utilizes in her works on wood and canvas, as well as in sculpture works and light design installations.
Since 1979, she was a freelancer in Advertising and Editorial Graphics, working with studios and publishing houses such as De Agostini, Bonechi, ‘Nuova Italia’,
‘La Compagnia degli Araldi’ and ‘Flow East Limited’ of Prague.
Subsequently, she founded the ‘CiEssE StudiO’ which included, among its customers, companies like FIAT Automobiles, Pigna Cartotecnica, and other minor Italian and foreign companies.